Introduction to Matlab

Matlab Introduction


Matlab is a program that was originally designed to simplify the implementation of numerical linear algebra routines. It has since grown into something much bigger, and it is used to implement numerical algorithms for a wide range of applications. The basic language used is very similar to standard linear algebra notation, but there are a few extensions that will likely cause you some problems at first.

Matlab is both a powerful computational environment and a programming language that easily handles matrix and complex arithmetic. It is a large software package that has many advanced features built-in, and it has become a standard tool for many working in science or engineering disciplines. Among other things, it allows easy plotting in both two and three dimensions.
Matlab has two different methods for executing commands: interactive mode and batch mode. In interactive mode, commands are typed (or cut-and-pasted) into the 'command window'. In batch mode, a series of commands are saved in a text file (either using Matlab's built-in editor, or another text editor such as Emacs) with a '.m' extension. The batch commands in a file are then executed by typing the name of the file at the Matlab command prompt. The advantage to using a '.m' file is that you can make small changes to your code (even in different Matlab sessions) without having to remember and retype the entire set of commands. Also, when using Matlab's built-in editor, there are simple debugging tools that can come in handy when your programs start getting large and complicated. More on writing .m files later.

watch the tutorial of getting started with matlab
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